So it's taken a long time to get everything finalized with getting my medication. I have actually started to notice my hands getting worse in numbness again so I called my neurologist and she ordered me up for another round of steroids. And I finally got everything worked out to start taking my medication, the meds that I will be taking every day forever. The numbness has started to get worse but the dexterity in my left hand has actually gotten better as I have been rehabilitating it fairly intensely.
Currently life feels as though it is back to normal for the most part which I didn't expect to happen. It's back to normal except that I'm a little slower at doing a lot of things,and still have the numbness, but I am not stuck in bed so I am happy.
I have started prioritizing what is really important to get done, in my day, because I don't have the energy and speed that I used to in order to get everything done. I have prioritized my children more, I have prioritized little things like keeping a tidier closet. I have also prioritized looking cuter because for the last little while I've had no motivation to try to look cute at all( it was hard to do my hair when my hands didn't work). I got a short haircut that is a lot easier to do and maintain whether or not my hands work I can still have pretty cute hair now.
As part of rehabilitating my left hand (which by the way I am left-handed) I have started a practice journal/ my symptoms journal just so I can keep track of when things happen with MS symptoms. Anyway I've been rehabilitating my left hand and in the past I've never liked my hand writing it's been really sloppy and I've decided with rehabilitating why just rehabilitate why not make my hand writing even better than it used to be? It is kind of like I get to start over and learn to write again but this time I can do even better. I guess what I'm trying to say is that with this disease it has forced me to slow down and with the slowdown I have reevaluated my life a bit and decided to be the best me that I can and slowing down has really help me narrow down the things I want to improve on.
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