Thursday, February 2, 2017

MS while pregnant can be done but not easy!

Being pregnant with MS is not a walk in the park.

So this is my seventh pregnancy I've had relatively easy pregnancies for all of my pregnancies though the last two I did have a significant amount of morning sickness or as we women like to collect "all day sickness".
Well I don't know what factors are causing what symptoms because I'm also 13 years older than when I had my first pregnancy so I know getting older makes pregnancy harder but there are a few things different with this pregnancy than the rest.
My MS symptoms have not gotten worse, but they are there and the tiredness that comes with MS which had kind of gone away (with medication) has definitely come back again I don't know how much of the tiredness is MS and how much of it is pregnancy how much of it is being 33... I am very tired and weak.  Weak is the big struggle for me, I have a lot less energy and strength this time around, and that is really hard for me.

That being said it is worth it all to bring a life into the world. I am so excited to meet this little one.
I am extra excited because it is my last, I can now have my whole family here, I can get rid of maturity cloths, and be done with this stage in life. Having MS has made it easier for me to be sure I  am done, but I always wanted 7 kids and am so glad to have them all here soon.

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