Well, I am 23 weeks pregnant. I am over the worst of regular pregnancy, that is, morning sickness.
As far as MS goes, there are many days that I forget I have it. But there are times that I can't denie are different. It seems like anything that gets me down like being sick takes a longer time to recover. For example I went on a trip last week to Canada and got hit with allergies on the plane to Canada, allergies usually don't bother me that much they are just annoying but on this trip they wiped me out where I felt terrible, and even with allergy medicine that was nondrowsy all I could really do was rest. I got better but it took a lot more out of me than it usually does.
Going on any kind of a trip seems to require a lot of relaxing after the trip is done. I have been aware to give myself a whole day of resting after a trip to get back to normal which seems like more than enough time but after this trip my body's telling me I need to take it easier for longer than just the day. I am still trying to learn how to read my body because I feel like I'm fine and I can do anything again and then I get hit really hard with tiredness or weakness really fast. I really am trying not to push myself too hard but it's hard when your body goes from fine too too much in a moment.
I had three things on my must do list today take a shower go to one store and then go to another store, other than making sure my children eat that's about all that was on my list of have to's today. First thing I chose to do is take a shower I felt faint in the shower and had to lay down for an hour ☹ I finally had enough energy to get up and going again and was able to go to two stores but had to hurry the kids in and tell my four-year-old that no I couldn't go outside and ride bikes with her because my legs where to weak and we're going to give out any moment. Luckily most days are not like this most days are fine today's been rough though.
On a side note, my Family has been begging me to get a handicap plaquerd for the car, which I did not want to do I felt bad when On good days I can go and run 2 miles I shouldn't be using a handicap parking spot . But I realized it's a choice when to use a handicap parking spot and when not to so, I finally gave in and got a handicap Plaquetd. When I am feeling weak I use it, when I'm feeling strong I don't . Something I never realized before was how many people really do use handicap parking spots, I've been surprised at how many times I've wanted to use the handicap parking and it's been all full, but maybe that's because I live in a retirement community and probably a third of the community also uses handicap parking 😂.
Well here hoping I we will quickly learn how to balance my body's needs and wants not be in bed all day but not working too hard that I get weak.
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